Preen tips on making sure you don’t burn out

Ever since 2019 started, I noticed that a lot of my friends and I have been so busy with work. We’re all trying our best to see each other but we would rather just stay in and sleep after long days at the office. Times like these, I’m reminded how easy it is to slip into a burn out phase. I also noticed that I’ve just been more irritable and short-tempered. Mainly because I’m trying to keep up with everything I gave going on in my life and I’m struggling to do so. So, what I did was take a big step back and think about the different way I’ve tried to avoid burning out before. Slowly, I’m taking control again and unwinding when I can. If you’re experiencing the same thing, here are some of my personal tips that could help you out.

List everything down

I’m sure we all know this feeling, it’s the beginning of the week and all of a sudden, a huge pile of work is metaphorically dropped onto your desk. Don’t freak out just yet. Start by listing everything down. This way, it’s out of your head and you can actually see what needs to be done. Arrange them according to importance and just start doing it. I learned that the more you procrastinate, the more stressed you’ll be. If some tasks need to be done simultaneously, limit it to two at a time. Also, physically crossing something off a list can be so satisfying.  

Know when to say no

When you’re almost filled to the brim with how much work you can handle, don’t be afraid to say no. This tip is especially for people pleasers. Before you do that, take a step back and reassess  if you’ll be able to add on that task and do it well without sacrificing your mental health. If not, turn it down politely.


A lot of my stress comes from me constantly checking my phone for emails and messages. It’s easy to get stuck in that cycle and glue yourself to your phone. Don’t let it control you and how you go about your day. When you’re out of work hours, specifically weekends, try to your best to unplug. Turn of your notifications or just simply stop checking your phone every 15 minutes, it’s not healthy. Take this time to get some real rest or focus on other things in your personal life like having face-to-face conversations with your friends.

Take a break

I know there are people out there who are workaholics and don’t use up their leaves. Companies give you paid leaves for a reason, so use them up. Take a few days off and plan something with friends, family, or even just yourself. Use that time to really relax and reset everything. This will also put things into perspective and you’ll be reminded that everyday of your life doesn’t have to be about work and stress.

Talk about it

The worst thing you can do is keep everything bottled up inside. Personally, I don’t like to show weakness and always want to portray that I’ve got it all figured out attitude. When, in reality, I don’t. Sure, you can fake it till you make it but you have to let it out too. Should the need arise, call up your best friend, get together at dinner, and just vent to each other. This will also make you realize that you’re not alone in handling heavy workloads. You can even talk to your teammates and bosses because they either feel the same was or can find a way to assist you. Also, don’t be afraid to break down once in a while, it can be very cathartic.

Ask for help

Never assume that you can do everything on your own. Swallow your pride just a little and reach out to others when needed. Instead of going through your deliverables with frustration, ask for help. You’ll even learn some things along the way.


Photo courtesy on Unsplash

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Tisha Ramirez: