What happens when you attend a mini carnival where, instead of stuffed toys, you can win makeup and personal grooming items?
This is what we found out last Nov. 20 when we attended the EB Fun Fair, Ever Bilena’s year-ender party. Present were EB’s sister brands EB Advance, Careline, and Blackwater. The team behind the party transformed the rooms of Whitespace Makati into a gaming area and concessionaire floor where beauty lovers alike can mingle and play. It reminded us of the carnivals we used to go to as kids—I kind of forgot about my quarter-life crisis for a bit, TBH.
My officemate and I hung out at the EB Fun Fair for a couple of hours to play games and (try to) win prizes, as well as eat the carnival snacks available. If you missed the event, we’re giving a rundown of what happened so you won’t feel the FOMO.
3:45 p.m. We arrive to the venue
Full disclosure: The event started at 3 p.m., so we were obviously late. When we arrived, we were instantly greeted by people in stilts standing at the door and someone riding a unicycle. We couldn’t stop looking at them while waiting for our turn to sign at the registration table.

3:55 p.m. A mechanical bull
I didn’t expect to see a mechanical bull at a beauty event. What are people going to do with that? Test if their makeup would stay on after one round?
4:12 p.m. Discovering unreleased products from Ever Bilena

While scoping out the venue, we saw people lining up for the parlor and arcade games. But what caught my eye were the tables filled with makeup from Ever Bilena, Careline, and EB Advance. While looking at one of the eyeshadow palettes, the brand rep nearby told me these were new beauty products that are going to be released very soon, including a new and improved Ever Bilena lip and cheek roller.
4:16 p.m. Popping balloons
The first game I played was the Ever Bilena Balloon Dart. If you pop five balloons, you get a grand prize—I don’t know what it was, but it sounded enticing. I thought throwing darts was easy, but I was so wrong. I missed four times and popped one balloon. At least I got an Ever Bilena Matte Color Stick out of it.
4:20 p.m. Failing the ring toss
The Careline Multipot Crane game was right next to the Ever Bilena Balloon Dart booth, but instead of trying to line up (it’s a popular game, apparently), we went to the EB Advance Ring Toss at the other side of the venue. It had large lipsticks where you throw the rings on. Similar to the balloon game, you need to hit five targets to get a grand prize. Guess how many I got? Zero.

4:24 p.m. Snacking
To recover from my ring toss fail, we went to the snack booths to eat cheeseburgers, nachos, and fries. The program started before we could even grab a red velvet cupcake.
4:40 p.m. Bucks or Unbox

The host did the usual spiel: welcome everyone, introduce the people behind Ever Bilena, and give them a few seconds to thank everyone for coming to the Fun Fair. He then proceeded to read out names from the raffle, one of which will play “Bucks or Unbox” where someone could win up to P100,000 worth of prizes. We weren’t picked to play the game but it was fun to cheer people on.
5:05 p.m. Awarding the highest basketball scorer

Once Bucks or Unbox was done, the next set of awards went to the three top scorers for the Blackwater Basketball Arcade. All of them were women, too!
5:30 p.m. End of the event (for us)
After 30 minutes of watching the program, we got ready to leave with our spiked popsicles and the single Color Matte Stick I won from the games. Back to regular programming!
It was a fun time at the EB Fun Fair. Be sure not to miss it the next time it happens. [Winks]
Photos courtesy of Ever Bilena
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