Capricorn season is here, officially beginning on Dec. 22, and ending on Jan. 20 next year. For those of you who don’t know yet, the element of Capricorn is Earth, which is considered as grounded, foundational, and sturdy. Capricorns go for what they set their sights on, and they usually achieve it. “Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the task-master of the universe, you can expect Caps to get ‘ish done,” said Shawn Engel of Hoboken Girl. According to Elite Daily, Capricorns is also always looking toward the future and planning ahead. So  Capricorn season might be the best time to get a headstart on our plans for 2020, yes?

This season might be intense for our personal lives, especially in terms of our career, as we reassess whether or not our current professional lives are in alignment with what we really want for our future. So it’s time to plan, make schedules, and get things done. Things don’t always go as planned, but since Capricorn is gracing us this season, we might have a little bit of control—and a lot of determination.

Here’s a guide on how to keep up with Capricorn season: