After conquering the emoji department, Kim Kardashian is back to what she does best: spilling beauty secrets that will benefit everybody. This time, though, it has something to do with a Korean vanity ritual that Kim apparently religiously lives by. 18-year-old sister Kylie Jenner reveals it has nothing to do with collagen masks or water hydration—just pure, rough, buck-naked Korean scrubbing.
In an interview with People Magazine, Kylie shares, “Kim gets body scrubs before her spray tans, and she tried to get me to do this body scrub at this Korean spa. I went, and everyone was ass-naked! It was so uncomfortable.”
And if you think that’s not awkward enough, get this: “Kim was like ‘You need to do it every week!’ She swears by it. But I don’t know if I can do it,” adds Kylie, who’s now also the new Nip+Fab ambassador.
To the uninitiated—we’re looking at you, Kylie—Korean body scrubs and a few other stress-relieving, beautifying practices in the East does involve stripping down. After some getting used to, this eventually turns into just like any other spa treatment with a person scrubbing your back using fancy ingredients.
Who would’ve thought? Kim’s secret to 10 years’ worth of spray tans and looking fresh in front of the cameras is a once-a-week dosage of exfoliation and public nakedness. That’s pretty often, I must say. And a lot of dead skin shedding, too.
Photo courtesy of Jeff Kravitz/ Film Magic