Gigi Hadid, 20 years old, and Bella Hadid, 18 years old, are the new cover girls of V Magazine. Besides sharing the same parents—Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star and model Yolanda Foster and wealthy real estate businessman Mohamed Hadid—both have other things in common.
Let’s get the obvious out of the way; they’re basically wearing almost the same outfit on the Steven Klein-shot cover. Gigi is in all black, and Bella is an all-white iteration of La Perla cutout swimwear, Céline fur wraps, and T-strap Louboutins. And those legs? They go on for days. And they’re also IMG-signed models.
But they are also as different as they are alike, just like normal sisters. If it’s any indication, what they are wearing on the cover are polar opposites from their usual outfits. Gigi is more of the girl-next-door type. She’s the bubbly one, always in pretty clothes and dashing gowns, in comparison to Bella who is seen mostly in all black and is a little rock-and-roll. Gigi initially moved to New York to study criminal psychology in the New School for Social Research and Bella, gearing more towards the creative side, is taking up Fashion Photography at Parson’s.
The difference in personalities is further stamped in another photo from the cover story where Gigi is holding a lollipop while Bella has a cigarette.
This is the very first cover of the sisters shot together—and it’s steaming. Are they the fashion industry’s first pair of supermodel It sisters? [The Daily Mail]
Photo courtesy of V Magazine |
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