Apparently, the Best Picture announcement wasn’t the only mix-up during the Oscars. The In Memoriam segment showed an Australian producer who’s still living. The worst part is that the Academy has not addressed it.
The Academy mistakenly used the photo of producer Jan Chapman instead of the late costume designer Janet Patterson. A few people were quick to point out the error.
— Fiona Williams (@anythingbutfifi) February 27, 2017
Jan said she was devastated when she saw her photo, most especially since she was good friends with Janet. “I had urged her agency to check any photograph which might be used and understand that they were told that the Academy had it covered,” she tells Variety. “I am alive and well and an active producer.”
Both women worked together several films together like The Piano and The Portrait of a Lady. Janet also received Oscar nominations for best costume design for both films. “Janet was a great beauty and four-time Oscar nominee and it is very disappointing that the error was not picked up,” Jan added.

This is another huge mistake on the Academy’s part. It’s good that they immediately spoke up about the Best Picture mix-up. But how come they haven’t said anything about the In Memoriam faux pas?
Meanwhile, people are also asking other notable celebs like Garry Shandling and Florence Henderson weren’t included. Actress Patricia Arquette was also upset that they also left out her sister Alexis.
Hey, Academy, you have a lot of explaining to do.
[New York Times]
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