We’ve been equal parts stressed and excited over at the Preen.ph headquarters for the past few months. Why? Well, we were preparing for some extra special: Our anniversary party. Last night, all of our planning and ideas came to fruition at Run Rabbit Run. Since it was Halloween season, we wanted to throw a costume party with the theme being fortune teller chic.

To get the party started, guests got drinks in their system. We had a signature drink called the Preen.ph Potion, which had gin, strawberry, blueberries, citrus, and amaretto liqueur. Aside from cocktails, there was also free-flowing San Mig Light.
Among our guests were a mix of influencers, models, designers, and friends.

To keep the vibe going, we had DJ Badkiss playing guilty pleasure tracks that everyone could dance too, myself included. When people weren’t drinking, dancing, or socializing, they were lining up for palm reading and tarot card reading.
A few hours into the party, we wanted to announce some big news with everyone there. We launched our website with a new look that you’re probably witnessing right now. Oh, and we have a new logo too. We got rid of all the b*llshit and went with something more straightforward. As for why it is slanted, we wanted to show that representation of both women and the LGBTQ+ community has no way to go but up.
Now that our anniversary party is over, we are overwhelmed and thankful for those who attended and who have made Preen.ph what it is today. This is just the beginning of a new chapter for our three-year-old baby and we can’t wait to share more with you.
Photos by Javier Lobregat and JP Talapian
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