In PoliticsPoliticians finally get a taste of accountability—but it’s not enoughBy Amrie Cruzon March 26, 2020
In CulturePlease don’t scare and discourage people from taking COVID-19 testsBy Amrie Cruzon March 25, 2020
In CultureHow the internet tried to re-‘Imagine’ this tone-deaf viral videoBy Amrie Cruzon March 25, 2020
In CultureTo the PNP and AFP: Don’t be like this creepy checkpoint officerBy Amrie Cruzon March 24, 2020
In CultureLOOK: Netizens aren’t happy with Pres. Duterte’s “emergency powers”By Amrie Cruzon March 24, 2020
In Culture#NoToVIPTesting: On politicians abusing their power to get COVID-19 testsBy Amrie Cruzon March 23, 2020
In CultureThe plight of Persons with Disabilities under the COVID-19 crisisBy Amrie Cruzon March 25, 2020
In FashionLocal designers are producing protective gear for frontlinersBy Amrie Cruzon March 25, 2020