In FashionFashion AdvicePreen10 Couple Halloween Costumes You Can Whip Out of Your ClosetBy Randz Manucomon October 12, 2015
In BeautyPreenAnimate Your Skincare Routine With These Emoji Face MasksBy Randz Manucomon April 10, 2017
In BeautyPreenHere’s the Kim Kardashian Contour Emoji You Never Knew You NeededBy Randz Manucomon December 21, 2015
In FashionInspirationPreenUncategorized10 Fashion Girls You Need Follow On Snapchat NowBy Randz Manucomon October 20, 2015
In CultureAn emoji guide for when you’re feeling wholesome, naughty, thirsty or looking for teaBy Randz Manucomon April 10, 2020
In BeautyFitnessPreenGeorgina Wilson’s Ideal Girl’s Night Out Involves Going to the GymBy Randz Manucomon March 20, 2016
In CultureLadies, we can now let the world know our flow with the period emojiBy Randz Manucomon February 8, 2019